Tolerance thresholds underlie responses to DNA damage during germline development.
Samuels TJ*, Gui J*, Gebert D, Teixeira FK (2024) EMBO Journal. *Equally contributed.
The transmembrane protein Syndecan regulates stem cell nuclear properties and cell maintenance.
Epigenetic inheritance is unfaithful at intermediately methylated CpG sites.
Gui J*, Samuels TJ*, Grobicki KZA, Teixeira FK (2023) Cell Reports. 42:112181. *Equally contributed.
Gebert D, Neubert LK, Lloyd C, Gui J, Lehmann R, Teixeira FK (2021) Molecular Cell. 81:3965-3978.
Mechanism and regulation of P element transposition.
Ghanim GE, Rio DC#, Teixeira FK# (2020) Open Biology. 10:200244. #Corresponding authors.
Translational Control during Developmental Transitions.
Teixeira FK# and Lehmann R# (2019) Cold Spring Harbor Perspective in Biology. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a032987. #Corresponding authors.
L(3)mbt and the LINT complex safeguard cellular identity in the Drosophila ovary.
Coux RX, Teixeira FK, Lehmann R (2018) Development. 145:dev160721.
Highlight: Soma or germline? Securing cell identity in the ovary (Development, 2018).
piRNA-mediated regulation of transposon alternative splicing in soma and germline.
Teixeira FK#, Okuniewska M, Malone CD, Coux RX, Rio DC, Lehmann R# (2017) Nature. 552:268–272. #Corresponding authors.
Regulation of ribosome biogenesis and protein synthesis controls germline stem cell differentiation.
Sanchez CG*, Teixeira FK*#, Czech B, Preall JB, Zamparini AL, Seifert JRK, Malone CD, Hannon GJ, Lehmann R# (2016) Cell Stem Cell. 18:276-290. *Equally contributed. #Corresponding authors.
The cellular basis of hybrid dysgenesis and Stellate regulation in Drosophila.
Malone CD#, Lehmann R, Teixeira FK# (2015) Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. 34:88-94. #Corresponding authors.
ATP synthase promotes germ cell differentiation independent of oxidative phosphorylation.
Teixeira FK*, Sanchez CG*, Hurd TR*, Seifert JRK, Czech B, Preall JB, Hannon GJ, Lehmann R (2015) Nature Cell Biology. 17:689-696. *Equally contributed.
Press release:
Mechanisms of Transgenerational DNA Methylation Inheritance.
Teixeira FK (2011) The GE & Science Prize for Young Life Scientists 2011. Science.
Prize announcement: Science (2011) 334:1222-1223.
Repeat Elements and the Arabidopsis DNA Methylation Landscape.
Teixeira FK and Colot V (2010) Heredity. 105:14-23.
A Role for RNAi in the selective correction of DNA methylation defects.
Science: Dynamic DNA Methylation (Law and Jacobsen, 2009).
Nature Reviews in Genetics: Epigenetics: RNAi protects across the generations (Flintoft, 2009).
Nature News: Short RNAs protect chemical memory of genes (Ledford, 2009).
Assessing the impact of transgenerational epigenetic variation on complex traits.
Gene body methylation in plants: a means to an end or an end to a means?
Teixeira FK and Colot V (2009) EMBO Journal. 28:997-998.
Chromatin indexing in Arabidopsis: an epigenomic tale of tails and more.
Roudier F*, Teixeira FK*, Colot V (2009) Trends in Genetics. 25:511-517. *Equally contributed.
Teixeira FK, Menezes-Benavente L, Galvão VC, Margis R, Margis-Pinheiro M (2006) Planta. 224:300-314.
Teixeira FK, Menezes-Benavente L, Margis R, Margis-Pinheiro M (2004) Journal of Molecular Evolution. 59:761-770.